Angel Unawares
Copyright, 1916, by Harper & Brothers
Printed in the United States of America
Published October, 1916
IF Angel Odell hadn't had a French nursery governess, and if thatFrench governess hadn't suddenly recognized her lost lover in awounded French sergeant on the sea-front, the Valois story wouldhave been a Christmas tragedy instead of—what it turned out to be.This was strange, because neither the little American girl nor hergoverness nor her governess's lover had ever heard of the Valoisfamily, nor had the Valois family heard of them. But most thingsthat happen are strange, if seen from every point of view.
At first, when Mademoiselle Rose gave a little scream and rushedaway from her charge to a good-looking soldier with his arm in asling, Angel stood still, extremely interested. Her mother did notknow about the lost lover. One need not tell all one's heart1secrets to one's employer on being engaged at a Paris agency! ButMademoiselle cried in the night sometimes and gazed at aphotograph, so Angel (whose bed was in the same room) had askedquestions safer to answer than leave unanswered. When she saw themeeting she quickly put two and two together in her intelligent,seven-year-old brain.
"That's Claude," said the child to herself. "So he's alive, afterall. My goodness me! what a nice Christmas present forMademoiselle! I'm glad it's after lunch instead of before, though,for I was hungry, and I expect she'll want to talk to him a longtime. I suppose she'll introduce him to me and we'll all three walkup and down."
Instead of walking, however, Mademoiselle and her Christmas presentsat down on one of the seats placed at regular intervals along theMentone sea front. Apparently Mademoiselle forgot Angel'sexistence, and "Claude" had not observed it. The child stoodneglected until she was tired and very bored. Then, too polite tointerrupt (a succession of nursery governesses of several nations2had instructed her never to interrupt), she decided to go home.
"Home" was a hotel; and Mrs. Odell, Angel, and Mademoiselle hadarrived only the day before from Paris, Mademoiselle had been inMentone before (that was one reason for engaging her), but Angeland her mother never had. Angel's father was one of