Published (Collotyped and hand coloured.)
Photographic Studio andArt Gallery.
No. 42, Nishimachi,
The pictures here depicted, show the whole process of building amiddle class house, from the selection and sawing of timbers untilthey are formed into a complete house. The head carpenter conferringwith the owner, plans the form and design of the house.
The head carpenter first makes a calculation of the quantity of timber necessary to complete the building and so much timber is carried to the spot where the house will be built. Here the head carpenter has to use his talent seriously for choosing the timbers, appropriate for poles, upper and lower beams, railings and halls, etc., so that the best pieces of wood are used for the principal rooms and in the places that attract attention. Thus, he is ordering the sawyers to saw the timbers in the way he thinks the best.
Here the men are sharpening the saws for the sawyers, which is a peculiar occupation belonging to themselves.
Next, the carpenter shaves the wood that have been cut by the sawyers.
After the boards are so planed for the different poles, upper and lower beams, railings etc., they are again to be carefully shaved with carpenter’s skill before they are put in their proper position.
The carpenter has to keep his tools very sharp for doing this skillful work so that he has to sharpen them frequently while he is working.
Each carpenter brings his “bento” or “luncheon case” filled with boiled rice and some other trifles, when he comes to the work place, in the morning. Here they open the case at tiffin time and enjoy themselves.
The stone masons take their parts for the foundation work of the house.
The incessant work of ten of th