The Revolt of the Star Men


[Transcriber's Note: This etext was produced from Wonder StoriesQuarterly Winter 1932. Extensive research did not uncover any evidencethat the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.]

A bulk dropped down on the nose of the craft. A pair ofhands gripped the barrels of the machine gun and tore them from themountings.


By the Author of "The Space Dwellers"


The creatures that people this exciting story of Mr. Gallun, mayseem at first blush to be impossible monstrosities. Yet, onconsideration, we must realize that they are not so far-fetched.

Even in our picayune little corner of the universe, we find in theinsect kingdom a form of life that has survived through everypossible earth catastrophe in the last 40,000,000 years. With theirskeletons on the outside of their bodies instead of on the inside,insects are able to protect their bodies from heat, cold, and fromaccidents that would kill us. If the insect's shell were harder andthicker and made of heat-resisting material, it might conceivablybe able to live in space without other protection.

The point is that Mr. Gallun makes his Space Men so convincing thatwe can do nothing but believe in them. And he has woven about themsuch a thrilling story of adventure on two worlds that one willhave to read and reread it, to get from it the fullest enjoyment.

It was in the reading room of the Neilson-Aldebar space liner, Ekova,that two young people came unexpectedly upon a third person who satalone, absently skimming through a copy of the Interplanetarian. Whenthe girl caught sight of him she uttered a little acclamation ofsurprise. "Hekki-you!" she cried.

The one addressed looked up. A smile of greeting came over his swarthy,aristocratic features. "Hello, Jan. It is I—none other," he said."Aren't you glad to see me?" Here he shot a quick glance at the girl'scompanion.

"Why certainly I am, Hekki," she replied a trifle nervously. "But howcan it be? A week ago you left for the deepest, most mysterious part ofthe Taraal desert on Mars, to collect objects of ancient art, and nowyou are here. Where have you kept yourself during the voyage?"

The other smiled again—this time a cryptic, secretive smile."Business," he said mysteriously. "It called me to Earth at the lastmoment, and since we left the docks at Taboor, it has kept me occupiedin my stateroom. This is but the third time I have ventured out of it.Alka brought me my meals." Hekki arched his finely penciled eyebrowsslightly as he looked up at the lady's companion. "And you too have hadbusiness, Janice," he added. "A new boy friend?" There was a hint ofsomething unpleasant in his tone, but the girl ignored it.

She nodded her golden head. "We met on the night of the departure fromMars, and since then, we've had a happy week together. Austin," shesaid, turning to the youth, "I want you to know Hekalu Selba of Taboor.Hekki, this is Austin Shelby, who hails from Chicago. You ought to getalong well together, because you are both so interested in mechanics,"she added. The men shook hands. For the past few mom



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