[Illustration: WILLIAM McKinley.]
CONTENTS. (see last page for index to illustrations.)
The Cause of The War With Spain--The Virginius Affair--GeneralFitzhugh Lee--Belligerent Rights to Insurgents--Much Money andTime Spent by United States--Spain Tries to Appease PublicSentiment--Weyler "The Butcher"--Resolutions by Congress FavoringInsurgents--Insurgents Gain by--General Antonio Maceo--The Spiritof Insurgents at Maceo's Death--Jose Maceo--Weyler's Policy--MissCisneros' Rescue--Appeal for her--Spain and Havana Stirred by AmericanSentiment--Battle Ship Maine--Official Investigation of Destructionof--Responsibility for--Congress Appropriates $50,000,000 for NationalDefence--President's Message--Congress Declares War--Resolution Signedby President--Copy of Resolution Sent Minister Woodford--Fatal Stepfor Spain--American Navy.
Beginning of Hostilities--Colored Hero in the Navy.
Sergeant Major Pullen of Twenty-fifth Infantry Describes the Conductof Negro Soldiers Around El Caney--Its Station Before the SpanishAmerican War and Trip to Tampa, Florida--The Part it Took in the Fightat El Caney--Buffalo Troopers, the Name by Which Negro Soldiers areKnown--The Charge of the "Nigger Ninth" on San Juan Hill.
Colonel Theodore B. Roosevelt on the Colored Soldiers--ColonelRoosevelt's Error--Jacob A. Riis Compliments Negro Soldiers-GeneralNelson A. Miles Compliments Negro Soldiers--Cleveland MoffittCompliments the Negro Soldiers--President McKinley Promotes NegroSoldiers--General Thomas J. Morgan on Negro Officers.
Many Testimonials in Behalf of Negro Soldiers--A Southerner'sStatement--Reconciliation--Charleston News and Courier--GoodMarksmanship at El Caney--Their Splendid Courage; Fought Like Tigers--Never Wavered--What Army Officers say--Acme of Bravery-AroundSantiago--Saved the Life of his Lieutenant, but Lost his own--"BlackSoldier Boys," New York Mail and Express--They Never Faltered--TheNegr