For many years there has been both a need and a callfor a book on Lutheran missions, which could be usedas a text book and also as a book of reference. Mrs.Lewars has met this need and answered this call withThe Story of Lutheran Missions. It is fitting thatthis book should make its appearance in the QuadricentennialYear of the Reformation and that it shouldbe the first book issued by the first Co-operative LiteratureCommittee of the Woman’s Missionary Societiesof the Lutheran Church, representing the GeneralSynod, the General Council, and the United Synod inthe South.
The courage and devotion of our self-sacrificing missionarypioneers has been little known even amongLutherans. Our hearts must be thrilled as we read ofthe superb courage and the unselfish devotion of thebrave men and women who, surrounded by indifferencewere fired with unquenchable missionary zeal tocarrying the Word to the ends of the earth.
“Through peril, toil and pain,” they blazed the wayfor Protestant missions. May this study of the Reformationof the sixteenth century and the subsequentefforts to carry the Word into all of the world help tounite our Lutheran forces in a determined missionarypurpose to hasten the transformation of the twentiethcentury.