Transcriber’s Note:
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
Copyright 1924 by Painters and Sculptors Gallery Association, Inc.All rights reserved for all countries. :: Printed in the United Statesof America. :: :: Photographs by Peter A. Juley & Son
President | Walter L. Clark |
Vice President | Robert W. DeForest |
Secretary and Treasurer | Walter S. Gifford |
The Painters and Sculptors Association is a non-profit-bearing organizationestablished solely to further interest in American Art, and to increase thesales of the work of the living American Painter and Sculptor. The Associationis one of contributing artist members and subscribing lay-members, numberingabout one hundred and fifty each. This membership is not local; the artistsare from various regions extending from coast to coast, while the lay-group iscomposed of those interested in Art in all of the larger cities of the United States,and including Presidents and Vice-Presidents of ten of the great Museums, togetherwith many officers and directors of these Institutions. There are representativesfrom New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Rochester, Buffalo, Washington,D. C., Baltimore, Norfolk, Atlanta, Montclair, Newark, Cleveland, Canton,Dayton, A