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New York: The Catholic Publication House,
126 Nassau Street.
S. W. Green, Printer,
16 and 18 Jacob St., N. Y.
Aubrey de Vere in America, 264. A Chinese Husband's Lament for his Wife, 279. Angela, 634, 756. Antiquities of New York, 652. All for the Faith, 684. Bishops of Rome, 86. Beethoven, 523, 607, 783. Catholic and Protestant Countries, Morality of, 52. Catholicity and Pantheism, 255, 554. Chinese Husband's Lament for his Wife, 279. Council of the Vatican, The Approaching, 356. Columbus at Salamanca, 433. Council of Baltimore, The Second Plenary, 497. Church, Our Established, 577. Charms of Nativity, 660. Conversion of Rome, The, 790. Daybreak, 37, 157, 303, 442, 588, 721. Duration of Life, Influence of Locality on, 73. De Vere, Aubrey, in America, 264. Dongan, Hon. Thomas, 767. Emily Linder, 98, 221. Educational Question, The, 121. Filial Affection, as Practised by the Chinese, 416. Foreign Literary Notes, 429, 711. Faith, All for the, 684. General Council, The Approaching, 14. Good Old Saxon, 318. Heremore Brandon, 63, 188. Ireland, Modern Street Ballads of, 32. Irish Church Act of 1869, The, 238. Immigration, The Philosophy of, ...