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Written by
Who Served in the Three Branches of the Confederate Army
Copyright 1911
By I. Hermann
All rights reserved
The following reminiscences after due andcareful consideration, are dedicated to theyoung, who are pausing at the portals of manhood,as well as womanhood, and who are confrontedwith illusory visions and representations,the goal of which is but seldom attained,even by the fewest fortunates, and then only byunforeseen circumstances and haphazards, notillustrated in the mapped out program forfuture welfare, greatness and success.
Often the most sanguine persons have suchoptimistic illusions, which, unless most carefullyconsidered will lead them into irreparableerrors. Even the political changes, often timesnecessary in the government of men, are greatfactors to smash into fragments the best andmost illusory plans, and cast into the shadow,for a time being at least, the kindliest, philanthropicand best intentions of individual efforts,until the Wheel of Fortune again turns in hisdirection, casting a few sparks of hope in hisultimate favor, and which is seldom realized.
If the reader of the above has been inducedto think and carefully consider, before actinghastily, the writer feels that he has accomplishedsome good in the current affairs ofhuman events.
Entering the post-office for my daily mail,I noticed in the lobby, hanging on the wall, abeautiful, attractive and highly colored landscapeand manhood therein disp