Copyright, 1896, by Harper & Brothers. All Rights Reserved.
published weekly. | NEW YORK, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1896. | five cents a copy. |
vol. xvii.—no. 882. | two dollars a year. |
Little Lady Daffany had just been betrothed to the Prince, and therewere great rejoicings all over the town in consequence. The people wereallowed to cheer as much as they liked, and every child in the countryhad a whole holiday and a penny bun, and nobody had an unhappy momentfrom sunrise to sunset. All the Fairies were invited to a magnificentbanquet in the palace that lasted five hours and a half; and thebetrothed couple sat at one end of the table, and talked to one another;and the King and Queen sat at the other end, and hoped that everythingwould go well. The Queen fanned herself, and murmured at intervals. "Thewish of my heart"; and the King grumbled to himself because he could notget enough to eat. The King had a very healthy appetite, and he alwaysgave a banquet whenever there was the least occasion for one.
"I really don't think we have left any one out this time," said theQueen, in a satisfied tone. One of the Fairies had been left out at