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ACADIA, MAINE.—Combination of mountain and seacoastscenery.—Established 1919;—24.08 square miles.
BRYCE CANYON, UTAH.—Canyons filled with exquisitely coloredpinnacles.—Established 1928;—55.06 square miles.
CARLSBAD CAVERNS, N. MEX.—Beautifully decoratedlimestone caverns believed largest in the world.—Established1930;—15.56 square miles.
CRATER LAKE, OREG.—Astonishingly beautiful lake incrater of extinct volcano.—Established 1902;—250.52 square miles.
GENERAL GRANT, CALIF.—Celebrated General Grant Tree andgrove of big trees.—Established 1890;—3.96 square miles.
GLACIER, MONT.—Unsurpassed alpine scenery; 200 lakes; 60glaciers.—Established 1910;—1,533.88 square miles.
GRAND CANYON, ARIZ.—World's greatest example oferosion.—Established 1919;—1,009.08 square miles.
GRAND TETON, WYO.—Most spectacular portion of TetonMountains.—Established 1929;—150 square miles.
GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS, N.C.-TENN.—Massive mountainuplift covered with magnificent forests.—Established for protection1930;—617 square miles.
HAWAII: ISLANDS OF HAWAII AND MAUI.—Volcanic areas ofgreat interest, including Kilauea, famous for frequent spectacularoutbursts.—Established 1916;—245 square miles.
HOT SPRINGS, ARK.—Forty-seven hot springs reserved bythe Federal Government in 1832 to prevent exploitation of waters.—Madenational park in 1921;—1.58 square miles.
LASSEN VOLCANIC, CALIF.—Only recently active volcano incontinental United States.—Established 1916;—163.32 square miles.
MAMMOTH CAVE, KY.—Interesting caverns, includingspectacular onyx cave formation.—Established for protection 1936;—38.34square miles.
MESA VERDE, COLO.—Most notable cliff dwellings in UnitedStates.—Established 1906;—80.21 square miles.
MOUNT McKINLEY, ALASKA.—Highest mountain in NorthAmerica.—Established 1917;—3,030.46 square miles.
MOUNT RAINIER, WASH.—Largest accessible single-peakglacier system.—Established 1899;—377.78 square miles.
PLATT, OKLA.—Sulphur and other springs.—Established1902;—1.33 square miles.
ROCKY MOUNTAIN, COLO.—Peaks from 11,000 to 14,255 feetin heart of Rockies.—Established 1915;—405.33 square miles.
SEQUOIA, CALIF.—General Sherman, largest and possiblyoldest tree in the world; outstanding groves of Sequoiagigantea.—Established 1890;—604 square miles.
SHENANDOAH, VA.—Outstanding scenic area in Virginiasection of Blue Ridge.—Established 19