A Guide to Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho

Handbook 139
Craters of the Moon

A Guide to Craters of the Moon
National Monument

Produced by the
Division of Publications
National Park Service

U.S. Department of the Interior
Washington, D.C. 1991


Using This Handbook

Craters of the Moon National Monument protectsvolcanic features of the Craters of the Moon lavafield. Part 1 of this handbook introduces the parkand recounts its early exploration. Part 2 exploreshow life has adapted to the park’s volcanic landscape—andhow people have perceived it. Part 3 presentsconcise travel guide and reference materials for touringthe park and for camping.

National Park Handbooks are published to supportthe National Park Service’s management programsand to promote understanding and enjoyment of themore than 350 National Park System sites, whichrepresent important examples of our country’s naturaland cultural inheritance. Each handbook isintended to be informative reading and a usefulguide before, during, and after a park visit. Morethan 100 titles are in print. They are sold at parksand can be purchased by mail from the Superintendentof Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,Washington, DC 20402. This is handbook number 139.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Craters of the Moon: A Guide to Craters of the MoonNational Monument, Idaho/produced by the Divisionof Publications, National Park Service.

p. cm.—(Official national park handbook; 139)
1. Craters of the Moon National Monument (Idaho)—Guidebooks.
2. Geology—Idaho—Craters of the Moon National Monument—Guidebooks.
I. United States National Park Service. Division of Publications.
II. Series: Handbook (United States. National Park Service. Division of Publications); 139.
F752.C7C73 1991 917.96'59—dc20 89-13670CIP
ISBN 0-912627-44-1
Part 1 Welcome to Craters of the Moon 4
Rift Volcanism on the Snake River Plain 7
Part 2 From Moonscape to Landscape 20
Geology of the Craters of the Moon 23
Life Adapts to a Volcanic Landscape 35
Indians, Early Explorers, and Practicing Astronauts 47
Part 3 Guide and Adviser 52
Approaching Craters of the Moon 54
Visitor Center and Programs 56
Map 58
Take the Driving Tour 59
Camping and Backcountry Use 60
Winter Recreation 61


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