Transcriber's Notes:
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B. A. (Cantab) M. A. (Pb.) Ph. D. (Munich).
LUZAC & Co. 46, Great Russell Street W. C.
Printed by E. J. BRILL.—LEIDEN (Holland).
Professor T. W. ARNOLD M. A.
My dear Mr. Arnold,
This little book is the first-fruit of that literaryand philosophical training which I have beenreceiving from you for the last ten years, andas an expression of gratitude I beg to dedicateit to your name. You have always judged meliberally; I hope you will judge these pages inthe same spirit.
Your affectionate pupil
The most remarkable feature of the characterof the Persian people is their love of Metaphysicalspeculation. Yet the inquirer who approachesthe extant literature of Persia expecting tofind any comprehensive systems of thought,like those of Kapila or Kant, will have toturn back disappointed, though deeply impressedby the wonderful intellectual subtlety displayedtherein. It seems to me that the Persian mindis rather impatient of detail, and consequentlydestitute of that organising faculty whichgradually works out a system of ideas, byinterpreting the fundamental principles withreference to the ordinary facts of observation.The subtle Brahman sees the inner unity ofthings; so does the Persian. But while theformer endeavours to discov