An active figure leaped down from the shelf and ran to the water’s edge, and as he turned toward the shelf again Betty gave a start.
Again the big halls at Greycliff were full of laughter and chatterings.Bright faces peeped from doors, light forms whisked hither and yon,doors banged, trunks bumped or traveled along up the inclines which hadbeen fixed for them at the stairways, where short flights had noelevator accommodations. One of the smaller girls sat on a newspaper tosave her dress and slid down one such incline; but concluding that shepreferred bannisters, she tried one which curved invitingly down fromthe second floor, and slid off directly in front of the astonished deanwho was starting upstairs with a dignified parent.
Thus is answered the question,—Did the Greycliff Girls come back? Indeedthey did. And one of the very prettiest was flying down the wide stepsof the entrance to Greycliff Hall. A happy-faced, quietly dressed younggirl was just paying the taxi driver and turned in time to embrace atonce this eager Greycliffer who threw her arms around h