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Tobacco growing is one of the most profitable branches oftropical and sub-tropical agriculture; the$1“$2”$3haseven been proposed as a remunerative crop for the Britishfarmer, and is very extensively grown in continentalEurope. The attention recently drawn to the subjecthas resulted in many inquiries for information useful tothe planter desirous of starting a tobacco estate. Butbeyond scattered articles in newspapers and the proceedingsof agricultural societies, there has been nopractical literature available for the English reader. Itis a little remarkable that while our neighbours havebeen writing extensively about tobacco growing, of lateyears, no English book devoted exclusively to this subjecthas been published for nearly thirty years. A glance atthe bibliography given at the end of this volume willshow that the French, German, Swiss, Italian, Dutch,Sicilian, and even Scandinavian planter has a reliablehandbook to guide him in this important branch of agriculture,while British settlers in our numerous tobacco-growingcolonies must glean their information as bestthey may from periodical literature.
To supply the want thus indicated, the present volumevihas been prepared. The invaluable assistance of tobacco-plantersin both the Indies and in many other tropicalcountries, has rendered the portion relating to field operationseminently practical and complete, while the editor’sacquaintance with agricultural chemistry and familiaritywith the best tobacco-growing regions of Asiatic Turkey,hav