Every attempt has been made to replicate the original as printed. Some typographical errors have been corrected;a list follows the text. German and French spellings have not been altered from the original. Contents. (etext transcriber's note) |
Published under the auspices of the American Institute of Criminal Lawand Criminology
1. Modern Theories of Criminality. By C. Bernaldo de Quirós, of Madrid.Translated from the Second Spanish edition, by Dr. Alfonso de Salvio,Assistant Professor of Romance Languages in Northwestern University.With an American Preface by the Author, and an Introduction by W. W.Smithers, of the Philadelphia Bar.
2. Criminal Psychology. By Hans Gross, Professor of Criminal Law in theUniversity of Graz, Austria, Editor of the Archives of CriminalAnthropology and Criminalistics, etc. Translated from the Fourth Germanedition, by Dr. Horace M. Kallen, Professor of Philosophy in WisconsinUniversity. With an American Preface by the Author, and an Introductionby Joseph Jastrow, Professor of Psychology in the University ofWisconsin.
3. Crime, Its Causes and Remedies. By Cesare Lombroso, late Professor ofPsychiatry and Legal Medicine in the University of Turin, author of the“Criminal Man,” Founder and Editor of the “Archives of Psychiatry andPenal Sciences.” Translated from the French and German editions by Rev.Henry P. Horton, M.A., of Ithaca, N. Y. With an Introduction by MauriceParmelee, Associate Professor of Sociology in the University ofMissouri.
4. The Individualization of Punishment. By Raymond Saleilles, Professorof Comparative Law in the University of Paris. Translated from theSecond French edition, by Mrs. Rachael Szold Jastrow, of Madison, Wis.With an Introduction by ...