Cover created by Transcriber and placed in the Public Domain.
Footnote notation: In the original book, the footnote numberingsequence began at “1” in the Foreword and in each Chapter and Appendix.To make these numbers unique in this eBook, they have been modifiedto include a prefix that identifies the Chapter or Appendix to whichthey belong, e.g., F-1, C5-46,A12-115. Simple numbers in square brackets, e.g., [212], were shownthat way in the original text. Bottom-of-page footnoteswere shown as asterisks "*" in the original text, but were changed here tosequential letters, e.g., "A". In the orignal text, a few missing letters wereadded in square brackets, e.g., [W]e, and are shown that way here.
Other Notes are at the end of this eBook.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
35th President of the United States
May 29, 1917-November 22, 1963
Report of President’s Commission on the Assassination
of President John F. Kennedy
St. Martin’s Press
New York
Photo credits:
Page 66 & 67: Thomas C. Dillard/Dallas Morning News
Pages 100, 101, 102, 103, 108 & 114 (Zapruder stills): © 1963, 1967 LMH Company c/o
James Silverberg, Esq., Washington, D.C.
Page 108 (Nix still): © 1963, 1964-1991 Nix c/o James Silverberg, Esq., Washington, D.C.
Page 113: AP/Wide World
Page 126: Detroit Free Press
Page 177: Hill Exhibit B/National Archives
Pages 203, 205, 214, 218, 223: KRLD-TV/CBS
Pages 220, 232, 341: WBAP-TV/NBC
Page 356: AP/Wide World
All other photos and illustrations courtesy of the National Archives
ISBN 0-312-08256-8 (hc.)
ISBN 0-312-08257-6 (pbk.)
Chief Justice Earl Warren, Chairman