New York
The Stirling Press
Copyright, 1914
By Augustus Meyers
New York
This narrative of ten years' service in the United States Army on thefrontier and during the Civil War at an early period of my life iswritten mainly from memory after an interval of more than half acentury. I have endeavored to describe in a simple manner the dailylife of a soldier in the ranks while serving in garrison, camp andfield.
Augustus Meyers.
Part I. | Enlistment and Service on Governor's Island, New York Harbor, in 1854 | 1 |
Part II. | At Carlisle Barracks, Pa., in 1855 | 33 |
Part III. | Journey from Carlisle to Fort Pierre Nebraska, Territory, in 1855 | 49 |
Part IV. | Fort Pierre and the Sioux Indians, 1855-1856 | 71 |
Part V. | Establishing Fort Lookout, 1856-1857 | 109 |
Part VI. | Service at Fort Randall, Campaigning in Kansas and Expiration of My Enlistment, 1857-1859 | 127 |
Part VII. | Re-enlistment and Return to Frontiers, 1860 | 157 |
Part VIII. | Service in Washington and Georgetown, D.C., 1861-1862 | 177 |
Part IX. | The Peninsula Campaign, 1862 | 197 |
Part X. | The Seven Days' Retreat, 1862 | 225 |
Part XI. | Harrison's Landing to Fredericksburg, Va. 1862-1863 | 257 |
Part XII. | Chancellorsville to Winter Camp of 1863-1864 | 287 |
Part XIII. | In Grant's Campaign, 1864 | 311 |
Part XIV. | Departure from the Field and Last Days of Service, 1865 | 341 |
Reflections | 351 | |
Addenda | 353 |