Copyright, 1896, by Harper & Brothers. All Rights Reserved.
published weekly. | NEW YORK, TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1896. | five cents a copy. |
vol. xvii.—no. 878. | two dollars a year. |
Jack Howard looked with some perplexity at the letter which he had justreceived from his chum Fred March. The latter had been spending a monthof the long vacation at his uncle's, on the northern sea-coast, and thatgood-natured relative had been kind enough to suggest that the house wasquite large enough to entertain Jack also. Hence the letter embodyingthe invitation, together with an earnest request that Jack should comeby the earliest train on Monday morning. That was plain enough, besidesbeing entirely satisfactory; but there was something else, a postscript,and this was the puzzle over which Jack was knitting his brows:
"I'm not to bring my bicycle, since the country roads are too sandy forgood riding; but I must send on at once the three bicycle wheels storedin the loft of the machine-shop, together with half a dozen heavy coilsprings, as per the enclosed specifications of the foreman of the shop.Well, what on earth—for it can't be a fly