Transcriber's Notes: Obvious printer errors have beencorrected without note. Ambiguous errors are indicated withred dotted underlining; hover the mouse over the underlinedtext to see an explanation.
This e-book contains a few phrases in ancient Greek, which may notdisplay properly depending on the fonts the user has installed. Hoverthe mouse over the Greek phrase to view a transliteration, e.g.,βιβλος.
This is Part II of a two-part work.Part Iis available at Project Gutenberg. This e-book also contains external links to other works by John AddingtonSymonds at Project Gutenberg.These links are not guaranteed to be functional in perpetuity.
Author of
"Studies of the Greek Poets," "Sketches in Italy and Greece," etc.
"Italia, sepoltura
De' lumi suoi, d'esterni candeliere"
Campanella: Poesie Filosofiche.
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Orlando Furioso and Divina Commedia—Ariosto expresses the Renaissanceas Dante the Middle Ages—Definition of Romantic,Heroic, Burlesque, Heroic-comic, and Satiric Poems—Ariosto'sBias toward Romance—Sense of Beauty in the Cinque Cento—Choiceof Boiardo's unfinished Theme—The Propriety of thisChoice—Ariosto's Irony and Humor—The Subject of the Furioso—Siegeof Paris—Orlando's Madness—Loves of Ruggiero andBradamante—Flattery of the House of Este—The World of Chivalry—Ariosto'sDelight in the Creatures of his Fancy—CloseStructure of the Poem—Exaggeration of Motives—Power ofPicture-painting—Faculty of Vision—Minute Description—RhetoricalAmplification—Rapidity of Movement—Solidity—Nicetyof Ethical Analysis—The Introductions to the Cantos—Episodesand Novelle—Imitations of the Classics—Power of Appropriationand Transmutation—Irony—Astolfo's Journey to the Moon—Ariosto'sPortrait—S. Michael in the Monastery—The Cave ofSleep—Humor—Pathos and Sublimity—Olimpia and Bireno—Conceptionof Female Character—The Heroines—Passion andLove—Ariosto's Morality—His Style—The Epithet of Divine—ExquisiteFinish—Ariosto and Tasso—Little Landscape-Painting—Similes—Realism—Adaptat ... BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!Sitemize Üyelik ÜCRETSİZDİR! |