New Sabbath Library. | Vol. 1. No. 7. October, 1898. Monthly, 60 cents per year. | Single Copy, 5 Cents. |
Rev J. H. Ingraham
DAVID C. COOK Publishing Co.
[Entered at the Post Office at Elgin, Ill., as Second Class Mail Matter.]
The New Sabbath Library.
Subscription Price, 60 Cents a Year. Single Copies, 5 Cents.
To meet the growing demand for pure literature at popularprices, we began in April, 1898, the issue of a monthly publicationentitled the New Sabbath Library. Thesuccess of these issues has proved to be unprecedented, andthey have attained an almost world-wide celebrity. Althoughappealing particularly to young people, they will interest alllovers of good and wholesome literature, whether young or old.
Each issue of the New Sabbath Library contains acomplete story, most of them written expressly for us and copyrighted.The books are of uniform style and size (6½×8½), eachcontaining 96 large pages in double column. They are in large,clear type, handsomely printed on good book paper, and fullyillustrated with fine half-tone engravings. The covers are ofheavy, white enameled paper, with beautifully engraved designs.
Prices.—Those who wish to procure this Library regularly, as it is published each month, may remit 60cents for a year's subscription, being particular to state with which issue the subscription is to commence.Single copies may be ordered of any or all of the books at the rate of 5 cents each, or any number of copies ofany one book will be sent at same rate. We prepay postage.
Cloth Editions.—We have also prepared special editions of all these books, printed on very heavy paper,beautifully bound in heavy covers, cloth backs and corners, ornamented sides. They are specially adapted forpresentation purposes, and are the largest and best books ever offered for so low a price. Sent postpaid to anyaddress, in any quantities desired, on receipt of price, 25 cents per copy.
Following is a list of books already issued, or about to be issued: