Here is a tale which extends over many years and travels into many countries.By a peculiar fitness of circumstance the writer began, continued it, andconcluded it among distant and diverse scenes. Above all, he was much upon thesea. The character and fortune of the fraternal enemies, the hall and shrubberyof Durrisdeer, the problem of Mackellar’s homespun and how to shape itfor superior flights; these were his company on deck in many star-reflectingharbours, ran often in his mind at sea to the tune of slatting canvas, and weredismissed (something of the suddenest) on the approach of squalls. It is myhope that these surroundings of its manufacture may to some degree find favourfor my story with seafarers and sea-lovers like yourselves.
And at least here is a dedication from a great way off: written by the loudshores of a subtropical island near upon ten thousand miles from Boscombe Chineand Manor: scenes which rise before me as I write, along with the faces andvoices of my friends.
Well, I am for the sea once more; no doubt Sir Percy also. Let us make thesignal B. R. D.!
R. L. S.
Waikiki, May 17, 1889
Although an old, consistent exile, the editor of the following pages revisitsnow and again the city of which he exults to be a native; and there are fewthings more strange, more painful, or more salutary, than such revisitations.Outside, in foreign spots, he comes by surprise and awakens more attention thanhe had expected; in his own city, the relation is reversed, and he standsamazed to be so little recollected. Elsewhere he is refreshed to see attractivefaces, to remark possible friends; there he scouts the long streets, with apang at heart, for the fa