Simplicity is the essence, In all God’s wondrous work, This glowing truth divinely blest Within our hearts should lurk; So God will come as we perceive, This kingdom to possess, And all that’s base will fade away, All evil He’ll suppress.
A torn sunset of purple and crimson Floats o’er the warring breeze, While a powerful new light is forming Far o’er the briny seas, For the day of dynasties is fading Into the darkest night, As a world republic is arising Clear as the morning light.
Faith in God will enlighten our vision Shining through grim despair, For a wonderful light is approaching, Glowing with love and care, Completely trusting in God above us, Though sad our hearts may be, Will reveal the dawn of a brighter day In fair democracy.
THE BIRTH OF THE FLOWERS. (A Reverie On Creation.)
The sun’s bright rays through breaking clouds, On tiny beads of crystal fell, While o’er the earth in mantle green A rainbow circled hill and dell; Brilliant, majestic it appeared, In many colors to be seen, Neath misty heav’ns and setting sun O’er man’s first paradise serene.
The angels winged their flight from heav’n, Towards the many colored bow, Like seagulls sweeping o’er the sea, Then lighting on the waves below; Down through the clouds they beat their wings, From the depths of