VOL. XX. NO. 577] | SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1832. | [PRICE 2d. |
The first of these archæological rarities is a pair of Snuffers,found in Dorsetshire sixty-four years since, and engraved in Hutchins'shistory of that county. They were discovered, says the historian,"in the year 1768, in digging the foundation of a granary, at thefoot of a hill adjoining to Corton mansion house (formerly the seatof the respectable family of the Mohuns), in the parish of St. Peter,Portisham. They are of brass, and weigh six ounces: the great differencebetween these and the modern utensils of the same nature and use is,that these are in shape like a heart fluted, and consequently terminatein a point. They consist of two equal lateral cavities, by the edges ofwhich the snuff is cut off, and received into the cavities, from whichit is not got out without particular application and trouble."
"There are two circumstances attending this little utensil which seem tobespeak it of considerable age: the roughness of the workmanship, whichis in all respects as crude and course as can be well imagined, and theawkwardness of the form."
So little is known of the comparatively recent introduction of snuffersinto this country, that the above illustration will be acceptable to theobserver of domestic origins and antiquities. See also Mirror, vol.xi. p. 74.
The Key, annexed, was the property of Mr. Gough, the eminenttopographer, and is supposed to have been used as a passport by some ofthe family of Stawel, whose arms it bears.
While life is young and pleasure new,
Ah! why the shades of Death explore?
Better, ere May's sweet prime is o'er,
The primrose path of joy pursue:
The torch, the lamps' sepulchral fire,
Their paleness on your charms impress,
And glaring on your loveliness,
Death mocks what living eyes desire.
Approach! the music of your tread
No longer bids the cold heart beat:
For ruling Beauty boasts no seat
Of empire o'er the senseless dead!
Yet, if their lessons profit aught,
Ponder, or ere ye speed away,
Those feet o'er flowers were form'd to stray,
No death-wrought causeway, grimly wrought,
Of ghastly bones and mould'ring clay.
To gayer thoughts and scenes arise;
Nor ever veil those sun-bright eyes
From sight of bliss and light of day—
Save when in pity to mankind
Love's fillet o'er their lids ye bind.
Holland deriv