"This book will charm all who turn its pages. There are fewbooks of popular information concerning the pioneers of the greatNorthwest, and this one is worthy of sincere praise."—Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
"The author presents facts in a most attractive framework of fiction,and imbues the whole with his peculiar humor. The illustrationsare numerous and of more than usual excellence."—New HavenPalladium.
"Skillfully combining fact and fiction, he has given us a storyhistorically instructive and at the same time entertaining."—BostonTranscript.
The true spirit of the leaders in our War for Independence is picturedin this dramatic story. It includes the Boston Tea Party andBunker Hill; and Adams, Hancock, Revere, and the boys whobearded General Gage, are living characters in this romance ofAmerican patriotism.
"No better reading for the young man can be imagined than thisfascinating narrative of a noble figure on the canvas of time."—BostonTraveller.