Produced by David Widger


Being Secret Memoirs of Madame du Hausset,Lady's Maid to Madame de Pompadour,and of an unknown English Girland the Princess Lamballe



"The accession of Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette to the crown of Francetook place (May 10, 1774) under the most propitious auspices!

"After the long, corrupt reign of an old debauched Prince, whose viceswere degrading to himself and to a nation groaning under the lash ofprostitution and caprice, the most cheering changes were expected fromthe known exemplariness of his successor and the amiableness of hisconsort. Both were looked up to as models of goodness. The virtues ofLouis XVI. were so generally known that all France hastened toacknowledge them, while the Queen's fascinations acted like a charm onall who had not been invincibly prejudiced against the many excellentqualities which entitled her to love and admiration. Indeed, I neverheard an insinuation against either the King or Queen but from thosedepraved minds which never possessed virtue enough to imitate theirs, orwere jealous of the wonderful powers of pleasing that so eminentlydistinguished Marie Antoinette from the rest of her sex.

"On the death of Louis XV. the entire Court removed from Versailles tothe palace of La Muette, situate in the Bois de Boulogne, very nearParis. The confluence of Parisians, who came in crowds joyfully to hailthe death of the old vitiated Sovereign, and the accession of his adoredsuccessors, became quite annoying to the whole Royal Family. Theenthusiasm with which the Parisians hailed their young King, and inparticular his amiable young partner, lasted for many days. Thesespontaneous evidences of attachment were regarded as prognostics of along reign of happiness. If any inference can be drawn from publicopinion, could there be a stronger assurance than this one ofuninterrupted future tranquility to its objects?

"To the Queen herself it was a double triumph. The conspirators, whosedepravity had been labouring to make her their victim, departed from thescene of power. The husband, who for four years had been callous to herattractions, became awakened to them. A complete change in the domesticsystem of the palace was wrought suddenly. The young King, during theinterval which elapsed between the death and the interment of hisgrandfather, from Court etiquette was confined to his apartments. Theyouthful couple therefore saw each other with less restraint. Themarriage was consummated. Marie Antoinette from this moment may datethat influence over the heart (would I might add over the head andpolicy!) of the King, which never slackened during the remainder of theirlives.

"Madame du Barry was much better dealt with by the young King, whom shehad always treated with the greatest levity, than she, or her numerouscourtiers, expected. She was allowed her pension, and the entireenjoyment of all her ill-gotten and accumulated wealth; but, of course,excluded from ever appearing at Court, and politically exiled from Paristo the Chateau aux Dames.

"This implacable foe and her infamous coadjutors being removed fromfurther interference in matters of State by the expulsion of all theirown Ministers, their rivals, the Duc de Choiseul and his party, by whomMarie Antoinette had been brought to France, were now in high expectationof finding the direction of the Government, by the Queen's influence,restored to that nobleman. But the King's choice was already made. Hehad been ruled by his aunts, and appointed



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