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The Library of Congress has catalogued this publication as follows:
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony, 1913-1966.
The China of Chiang K'ai-shek; a political study.Reprint of the 1943 ed. published by World Peace Foundation, Boston.
Includes bibliographical references.
1. China—Politics and government—1912-1949.
2. Chiang, Kai-shek, 1886-.I. Title.
DS774.L48 1973320.9'51'04273-725
ISBN 0-8371-6779-5
Copyright 1942 by World Peace Foundation
Originally published in 1943
by World Peace Foundation, Boston
Reprinted with the permission
of World Peace Foundation
First Greenwood Reprinting 1973
Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number 73-725
ISBN 0-8371-6779-5
Printed in the United States of America
With Love
Acknowledgments, for a work of this type, are always insufficientand often ungracious. Today, political and militaryconditions forbid mention of some of the persons towhom I am most indebted. Furthermore, it is unfeasible tothank those teachers and friends who have prepared me inyears past for the present work. Nevertheless, courtesy andcandor demand that I indicate the extent of my obligation,and tender these inadequate thanks.
For interviews, hospitality and other kindnesses shownme in Western China I wish to thank Generalissimo andMme. Chiang K'ai-shek; Their Excellencies, Sun K'ê, YüYu-jen, H. H. Kung, Wang Ch'ung-hui, Chang Chia-ngau,T. F. Tsiang, Yeh Ch'u-tsang, Kan Nai-kuang, Ch'ên Kuo-fu,Wang Shih-chieh, Ch'u Chia-hua, Hollington Tong, andMa Chao-chun; Major Generals J. L. Huang and Ch'uShih-ming; Bishop Paul Yu-pin; and Messrs. Foo Ping-shêng,Chên Ming-shu, Lo Chia-lun, Edward Bing-shueyLee, Han Lih-wu, P. C. Kuo, Ch'ên Chih-mai, Kinn-weiShaw, James Y. C. Yen, Wang Shen-tsu, Shuming T. Liu, JenShieh, Li Ch'in-shui, and Ma P'in-ho. Among the foreigncommunity, I wish to thank the American Ambassador, Mr.Nelson Johnson, and Mr. E. F. Drumwright for their kindreception; and to thank Mr. Tillman Durdin, Mr. TheodoreWhite, Mr. George Fitch, Dr. J. B. Tayler, Professor FrankPrice, and Professor and Mrs. J. B. Slocum.