P. D. Peterson
J. Fred Olander Company
Pierre, S. D.
Copyright, 1929
P. D. Peterson
To my mother who has been aninspiration and a guide for methroughout my early training, everhelping her family to see and acquirethe highest ideals possible; andto my wife who has assisted me inthe compilation and revision of thisbook, the following pages are affectionatelydedicated.
By Edwin H. Blashfield
This painting is in the Governor’s reception room in the S. D. Capitol building at Pierre.
This book is not a history, although it contains somehistorical accounts where such are necessary to bring outthe importance of the scenery described. It makes no attemptat being a technical guide of any sort, although the treatmentof various animals, trees, flowers, and minerals is asnear accurate as a tourist could hope to obtain.
The main purpose of this book is to give a chronologicalor itinerary account of what may be seen in the Black Hills.It should acquaint the tourist with the things of interest tosee on his trip. It should save him the chagrin of passing apoint of interest without having known he did so. It should,further, give him a souvenir of the scenes and experiencesof the trip. But one of the central purposes of this treatiseis to give the school children and the grown-ups of South Dakotaa picture of their own Black Hills and Bad Lands.