PRICE 15 Cts.
It is scarcely needful to say anything in praise of Archery. It holdsits place as the first of English sports, and is rapidly becomingpopular in America. It trains the eye, imparts a good and gracefulcarriage, expands the chest, and gives plenty of walking exercisewithout fatigue; moreover, it is equally adapted for both sexes.
The Equipment of the Archer.
The first thing we have to consider is what constitutes the necessaryoutfit for an archer—how it should be chosen, and how taken care of.Before choosing his outfit, the archer should find a good maker, andobtain from him a list of prices; having done so, he will be able todetermine what expense he is willing to go to, and then to apply thefollowing hints in choosing his apparatus. Let us, however, entreathim not to sacrifice all his hopes of future success to a desire toget cheap things; let him rely upon it that things obtained at a faircost from a good maker are twice as cheap as those whose onlyrecommendation is their low price.
The following list will show about what is a fair price, andmay be a guide to our readers in future selections.
Fine Backed Bows, 4½ to 5½ ft., | $4.50 to 6.00 each. |
Lemon Wood Bows, 4½ to 5½ ft., | $4.00 to $5.00 each. |
Lance Wood Bows, 4½ to 5½ ft. (to weight), | $2.75 to $4.00 each. |
Lance Wood Bows 4½ to 5½ ft. (ordinary), | 75c. to $2.25 each. |
Practising Arrows, 25 inch, | $1.50 to $3.50 per doz. |
Finest French Arrows, 25 inch, (we can highly recommend this kind), | $3.50 to $5.00 per doz. |
Old Deal Arrows, 25 inch, | $5.50 to $7.00 per doz. |
Best Footed Arrows, 25 inch, | $8.50 to $11.00 per doz. |
Best Flemish Bow-Strings, | 25c. to 50c. each. |
Quivers, | $1.50 to $2.75 each. |
Arm Guards, | $1.25 to $2.00 each. |
Shooting Glove, | 63c. to $1.50 each. |
Tips for Bows, | 50c. per pair. |
Tassel | 50c. to 75c. each. |
Targets, | $1.00 to $7.00 each. |
Target Stands, | $2.50 to $5.00 each. |
Bow Covers (green baize), | 75c. each. |
Scoring Cards and Tablets, Ivory and Ebony Prickers, &c., | 25c. to $2.00 each. |