Footnotes have been collected at the end of the text, and arelinked for ease of reference.
The Catholic World, Vol. XXVII
The Catholic World, Vol. XXVII A Monthly Magazine Of General Literature and Science
April, 1878, To September, 1878.
Copyright: Rev. Isaac T. Hecker. 1878.
New York:
The Catholic Publication Society
9 Barclay Street.
- A Bishop’s Liberty of Conscience in the New German Empire, 66
- Acta Sanctorum, The Bollandist, 756
- Among the Translators, 35
- Anglican Development, 383
- Archiepiscopal Palace at Beneventum, The, 234
- Atheism, Pantheism versus, 471
- Beatitude in Human Nature, Principle of, 532
- Beneventum, The Archiepiscopal Palace at, 234
- Blessed Virgin, Breton Legends of, 696
- Breton Legends of the Blessed Virgin, 696
- Caxton Celebration, Lessons of, 359
- Christianity, Preparation for, 4
- Conrad and Walburga, 163, 312, 487
- Coronation of Pope Leo XIII., 280
- Destiny of Man in a Future Life, The, 145
- Diplomatic Service, A Sectarian, 223
- Dr. Ewer on the Question, What is Truth?, 577
- English Press, The, and the Pan-Anglican Synod, 850
- English Statesmen in Undress, 549, 813
- English Tories and Catholic Education in Ireland, 829
- Ewer, Dr., On the Question, What is Truth?, 577
- Faith, The Future of, 417
- ...