The Christian Foundation,
Scientific and Religious Journal
Vol. 1. No 6.
June, 1880.
I know of no religious people who intentionally deny hisagency in creation, providence or redemption. But men differwidely in their opinions concerning it and its relations anduses. Many honest-hearted persons have been educated inthe theory of an immediate and direct operation of the Spiritupon the hearts of sinners in order to their conversion, whichthey often call the baptism of the Holy Spirit. On this accountthousands of prayers are offered up continually to inducethe Lord to pour the Spirit upon sinners and convert and savethem. And happy meetings are attributed to wonderful outpouringsof the Spirit. What is his work? It is said thathe moved upon the face of the great deep, and that Godsaid, Let there be light, and there was light. This operationupon physical nature gave to our planet cosmic light, and thedarkness, which had shut out the light of the heavenly bodiesthrough the long lapse of tim