If “The Eagle’s Masque” should afford you halfthe pleasure which I have myself received from “ThePeacock at Home,” I will make no further demands uponyour approbation.
My Brothers and Sisters in this line of literature areaccustomed to distinguish particular passages in theirpoems by remarks, or explanations at the bottom of thepage.—I do not intend, however, to follow their example.What I wish is, that you should first get through all yourlaughing, without interruption; reserving for you afterwards the usefulamusement of picking out further information for yourselves,as you will find it in those books of[iv] Natural History, with coloured figures, which your Parents,or Tutors, will have the goodness to lay before youfor that purpose.
In the next place, I have great pride, and pleasure,in being able to assure you, that I have not, in a singleinstance, knowingly set down any circumstance relating,in a general way, to the persons, lives, and manners,of my feathered Characters, which you may not find tobe strictly true. If some cases should occur, in which thisassertion may puzzle, or surprize you, your kind friendsabove mentioned will make the proper distinctions for you;and then, you will find every thing as it should be.
And so, recommending my Birds, and myself, to yourfavour and protection,