[Pg 1]
Assistant in Manual Arts
Boston Public Schools
Assistant Superintendent
Boston Public Schools
Worcester, Mass.
[Pg 2]
Copyright 1914
School Arts Publishing Company
Second Edition
Copyright 1918
The Davis Press
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THE present day demand for industrial education hashad the effect of somewhat discrediting the moreformal manual training commonly found in the upper elementarygrades and early high school years. This work isusually conducted in special shops and by special teachers,and the question is being raised whether, with all these advantages,more vital results might not be attained.
Whether these criticisms are justified or not, the presentinterest in industrial education is strengthening the demandfor more effective construction work in grades four, five andsix. It is a growing conviction that there must be laid, inthe earlier grades, a strong foundation on which to build apractical education in the later grades whether directedtoward industrial, commercial or professional life.
The appearance of this book, therefore, is timely becauseit outlines a course suitable for grades five and sixwhich stimulates constructive activities and develops industrialintelligence. It should be noted that its industrialsignificance is much wider than its title, “Bookbinding forBeginners,” would indicate, as even a hasty examination ofthe book will show, and also that it is so planned that itmay be used successfully in schools where special teachersand expensive equipments are impossible.
The book is different from, and, I believe, superior toothers of its kind for the following reasons:
First, because the projects it presents, the methodsit advises, and the results it anticipates have all been workedout by actual experience with thousands of boys and underconditions which may be duplicated in almost any schoolroom.The author’s personal experience with the problems[Pg 4]incident to the giving of manual training by the gradeteacher includes that which she gained as a successful gradeteacher herself, supplemented by some years of supervisorywork in a large city system. She is therefore conversantwith every possible phase of the school problem.
Second, because the methods of instruction which thebook employs are such as to develop in the pupils the veryqualities which are the surest foundation for subsequentsuccess in manual or mental work of any kind, namelyinitiative and originality combined with intelligent, logical,careful attention to details.
Third, because it gives the teacher just the help neededto save her from all unnecessary work in securing and handlingsuitable material, in stimulating the pupi