"When found, make a note of."—CAPTAIN CUTTLE.
VOL. IV.—No. 96.
Price Threepence. Stamped Edition, 4d.
The Caxton Memorial and Chaucer's Monument 145
Collar of SS., by Edward Foss 147
Printing 148
Folk Lore:—Bible Divination in Suffolk—Mode of discovering Bodies of the Drowned—Somersetshire Rhyme 148
Dictionary of Hackneyed Quotations 149
Minor Notes:—Cocker's Arithmetic—The Duke of Normandy—Anachronisms and Errors of Painters—The Ring Finger—The Od Force—New Costume for Ladies 149
Judges styled Reverend, &c. 151
Minor Queries:—Frederick Egmont; Peter (Egmont?)—Unlucky for Pregnant Women to take on Oath—Cockroach—Felton—Date of a Charter—Thomas Tusser the "Husbandman"—Godfrey Higgins' Works—Noctes Templariæ—Commissioners on Officers of Justice in England—Marcus Ælius Antoninus—Derivation of Pic-nic—Sir Thomas More's Knighthood—Portrait of Mandeville—Early History of Dingle—Language of Ancient Egypt—Dr. Matthew Sutcliffe—Names first given to Parishes—German Testament—The Man of Law—The Termination "Ship"—Nullus and Nemo—The noblest Object of the Work of Art—Poulster 151
MINOR QUERIES ANSWERED:—Rev. Cæsar de Missy—F. Beaumont and Jeremy Taylor—"Carve out Dials"—Log Book—Lord Clydesdale—"Time is the Stuff of which Life is made"—"Yet forty Days"—The Empress Helena 153
Royal Library 154
The "Eisell" Controversy 155
Lord Mayor not a Privy Councillor