Transcriber's Note:
Inconsistent hyphenation and spelling in the original document have been preserved. Obvious typographical errors have been corrected.
The following words may be variant spellings for the same word, or different words with similar (correct) spellings.
On page 129. "Signor Lucgi Biadelli" is a possible typo.
On page 202. "Franceso" is a possible typo.
For our supply of the comforts and luxuries of life, we lay the worldunder contribution: fresh from every quarter of the globe we draw a portionof its yearly produce. The field of literature is well-nigh as broad asthat of commerce; as rich and varied in its annual fruits; and, if gleanedcarefully, might furnish to our higher tastes as large an annual ministry ofenjoyment. Believing that a sufficient demand exists to warrant the enterprise,Thomas Constable & Co. propose to present to the British public aSeries of the most popular accessions which the literature of the globe isconstantly receiving. Europe alone,—its more northern and eastern landsespecially,—offers to the hand of the selector most inviting and abundantfruits; Asia may supply a few rarer exotics; whilst in America the fieldsare whitening to a harvest into which many a hasty sickle has been alreadythrust, and from which many a rich sheaf may be hereafter gathered.
Fully aware of the extent and difficulty of such an effort, the Publisherswill spare no pains to make the execution of their undertaking commensuratewith its high aim. They have already opened channels of communicationwith various countries, and secured the aid of those who are minutelyacquainted with their current literature; and they take this opportunity ofstating, that even where no legal copyright in this country can be claimedby the author or publisher of a work of which they may avail themselves,an equitable share of any profit which may arise from its sale will be setaside for his advantage.
The Series will be made as varied as possible, that there may be somethingin it to suit the tastes of all who seek instruction or healthful recreationfor the mind,—and its range will therefore be as extensive as the fieldof Literature itself: while, at the same time, it shall be the endeavour ofits editors to select, for the most part, works of general or universal interest.
The Publishers are unable to state the exact periods at which theirMiscellany of Foreign Literature will appear, but they believe that thenumber of volumes issued during the first year will not exceed six; so thattaking the average price per volume as Three Shillings and Sixpence, thecost to Subscribers would not exceed One Guinea; while, by the additionof a special title-page for each work issued, those persons who may wish toselect an occasional publication will be saved the awkwardness of placingin their library a volume or volumes evidently detached from a continuousSeries.
And all Booksellers.
Constable's Miscellany of Foreign Literature.