A TEACHER has told of the greatestmoment of discouragement that evercame to her. At cost of great labor she hadfitted up a room for the use of children, placingpictures on the walls, plants in the windows,goldfish on the table, and a canary in a cage.But the night before the day when she plannedto welcome the children to the room there wasa cold snap, and the janitor let the fire go out.In the morning she looked on broken radiators,frozen goldfish, drooping plants, and what shefeared was a dead bird. In her despair shewas about to decide that she would nevermake another effort to have things pleasantfor the children, when the bit of fluff in thebird-cage, roused from stupor by the noisemade by the discouraged woman, lifted itsvoice in song.
That song told her that she had reachedonce again the point t