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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1850, BYTHOMAS HERBERT, In the clerk's office of the District Court of theDistrict of Massachusetts.
This little book has been prepared for the instruction andamusement of my dear young friends, and it is hoped that they willbe profited by its perusal. It will show them their duty, and leadthem to perform it.
The little word No is of great importance, althoughcomposed of but two letters. It will be of great service in keepingus from the path of sin and misery, and of inducing us to walk in"wisdom's ways, whose ways are ways of pleasantness, and all whosepaths are peace."
Exercise charity to the destitute, as did little Willy.
Be good sons and daughters, and you will be a comfort to yourparents, in sickness or in health. "Forgiveness is an attribute ofHeaven."
A guilty conscience gives us no peace.
Which of you have a place of resort that is like Aunt Lissa'sAcorn Hollow?
Be industrious, and learn to make yourselves useful, if youwould be respected and beloved.
Beware of envy, for it begetteth hatred.
In short, I hope the reader who is now looking at this prefacewill carefully read every word in the following pages; and not onlyread, but remember, the lessons there taught, andthereby become wiser and better.
And when you have read this book so much and so carefully as tobe able to tell me what it is all about, when I come to you