POISON sumac
Farmers' Bulletin No. 1972
POISON-IVY, poison-oak, and poison sumac remindmost people of painful experiences to be avoided,yet many do not know any one of the offending plantsor their equally poisonous relatives. Learning to recognizethem on sight is relatively easy, especially byexamining the distinctive identifying characters describedin the pictures and legends of this bulletin.There is then a good chance to avoid them or, if onemust work among them, to take preventive measuresto escape poisoning.
These plants are very common throughout theUnited States. They are found in fields and woods,along fence rows, rock walls, and hedges, in lawns andgardens, and even sometimes vining on houses. Usuallyin any one locality it is necessary to be certain ofthe identity of only two or three of them. Maps showat a glance where they are likely to be found. Frequentobservation and recognition of the plants asthey are encountered almost daily is the best way tobecome poison-oak or poison-ivy conscious. Nonpoisonoussumacs are easily distinguished from thepoisonous species by the seed heads and leaves.
The old proverb, “an ounce of prevention is wortha pound of cure,” is good advice to everyone, particularlyas regards ivy-poisoning. Previous escape is notproof of immunity when conditions are right, andafter poisoning occurs there is no quick cure known.Some relief may be obtained and recovery hastenedby use of some of the tested remedies. In case ofsevere poisoning a physician should be consulted.
Poison-ivy and other poisonous plants growing ingrounds frequented by people should be eradicated.In some places this can be done by careful grubbing.In others weed-killing chemicals may be better andmore certainly would avert poisoning for most of us.
This bulletin supersedes Farmers' Bulletin 1166,Poison Ivy and Poison Sumac and Their Eradication.
By Donald M. Crooks, principal horticulturist, Division of Tobacco, Medicinal,and Special Crops, and Leonard W. Kephart, senior agronomist, Div BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!
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