William Andrews & Co
This volume is intended for those who findit pleasant, at times, to wander in thebyways of topography and local literature. Thedevelopment of Lancashire, especially in itsrelation to modern industrial life, has been toldby more than one able historian, and all that ishere attempted is to glean in the ample harvestfields. The bygone customs, forgotten worthies,outworn superstitions, historical episodes andtravellers’ tales here recorded, will, it is hoped,not be without interest. If some of the articlesseem more modern than the title would strictlyjustify, it must be remembered that the changesin the condition of the County Palatine havebeen so rapid that many things have becomeobsolete in the life time of the existing generation.
To several friends, and especially to the Rev.Dr. Casartelli and Mr. C. W. Sutton, thanks aredue for various suggestions.
Moss Side, Manchester.
PAGE | |
The “Lancashire Plot” | 1 |
De Quincey’s Highwayman | 15 |
Some Lancashire Centenarians | 22 |